woman being taught how to look through her sights
woman being taught how to look through her sights
woman being taught how to look through her sights

Ladies Classes

Ad for Combo ELH & HF courses
Package Deal: Ladies Entry Level Handgun & Ladies Handgun Fundamentals
Level 100 & 101 – Book together for 10% off and a free Bronze Membership! Entry Level Handgun, Level 100: For first-time shooters. Learn how to safely handle, store, and shoot common types of handguns. Handgun Fundamentals: Develop good habits before having the chance to learn any bad ones. Learn solid gun handling and marksmanship.
Ad for Ladies Entry Level Handgun
Ladies Entry Level Handgun
Level 100 - A course designed and led by women, for women who have never shot before or would just like further instruction on how to safely handle, store, and shoot common types of handguns. Including both classroom and range time, this class will teach the skills necessary to be a safe and responsible firearms owner. You can bring your own handgun or try out a few from our wide selection in class.
Ad for Ladies Handgun Fundamentals
Ladies Handgun Fundamentals
Level 101 - Improve your marksmanship, ladies, and kick any bad habits to the curb. This class is designed as a follow-on course for our Ladies Entry Level Handgun class, or for those who are already established in basic firearm safety and handling. You will get the opportunity to work one-on-one with instructors, and hone-in on your specific shooting needs.
Ad for Ladies Concealed Carry Primer
Ladies Concealed Carry Primer
There is a lot more to concealed carry than simply purchasing a handgun and taking it with you on your day-to-day business. In this three-hour, non-shooting seminar students will learn key concepts related to legally carrying a concealed handgun in public. This seminar is tailored for, and taught by, female concealed carriers. Free for domestic violence survivors with an active order of protection.
pistol in a holster
Ladies Concealed Carry I with Raider Tactical
Level 102 - Developed and taught by one of the Pacific Northwest’s premier female tactics instructors for both law enforcement and civilians, this is not a beginner’s course. Students should be familiar with their equipment and have a basic understanding of pistol fundamentals and gun-handling skills prior to attending this course. The drills in this course will increase your confidence in drawing from concealment, build skills for accurate shots, address use of cover, and teach you the fundamentals of close quarters, defensive shooting.
Ad for Ladies Defensive handgun
Ladies Defensive Handgun with Raider Tactical
Level 102 - Developed and taught by women, for women - this live-fire, intermediate-level course is designed and taught by Raider Tactical to increase your proficiency in the fundamentals. You will be introduced to next-level tactics and taught how to troubleshoot handgun skills for personal defense inside your home.
Woman changing out of her high heels for wrestling boots
Ladies Self Defense Workshop with Raider Tactical
This workshop, developed by Raider Tactical, is designed for all skill and fitness levels. Martial Arts Hall of Fame Instructors will assist you in learning simple, useful, field tested tactics to increase your personal safety and confidence. You will feel strong and empowered! We look forward to training with you! Think safe. ACT Safe. BE SAFE.