Zach He

Instructor Zach He



Zach He is one of Bellevue Gun Club’s range managers, who studies, trains and teaches high performance concepts when applied to accuracy, precision and speed with a firearm. He has coached and co-instructed BGC courses over a two-year period, working closely with senior members of the L.E. and military communities outside of his own training conducted in the mountains of Washington State. Zach brings a trained civilians' experience to the table, providing a relatable and knowledgeable curriculum to his students.

Being fluent in both Mandarin and English, Zach helps bridge a communicative gap that may otherwise exist or prove a barrier for some in our community. Zach’s primary focus, as a firearms instructor, is teaching new/newer shooters safety, entry level basics and fundamental concepts of shooting.

Outside of work, Zach is a local, semi-pro break-dancer, having toured and competed all over the world.